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Council on Aging Meeting Minutes 4/22/15

 Monterey Council on Aging Minutes of April 22, 2015
Meeting was opened at 10 am. All council members were present. The minutes of April 8th were approved. Mail was reviewed. A $10. invoice from J. Kelly, R.N. was approved and will be submitted.
Assisted Listening Device ---- M. Brown is waiting for a response from the manufacturer. Only 4 hearing packs will be ordered for now. Hopefully the device will be installed by Friday, May 1st. Jason Brown reported that Joe Baker will be on hand.
Events ---- Lunch in Otis on April 28th. So far 10 people are expected. The Barrington Brewery was suggested for a future lunch.
---- Clark Museum – bus pickup at Town Hall at 10 am and return about 4:30 pm.
---- Suns vs Bravehearts at Wachonah Park. Now planned for July 19th, Sunday at 4 pm with a picnic. $20. Cost will be subsidized $10. per. Minimum 20 people. Own transportation.
---- Erie Canal – Thursday, September 24th. Cost: $17 boat if 30 people, $25. Hot buffet, $____ bus. R. Champigney will check cost and availability.
---- Hill-crest Museum, CT- on hold for now.
---- Chesterwood – Cynthia Weber will arrange an August tour, maybe lunch in Stockbridge.
Meeting adjouned at 11:20 am.
K. Purcell